How does it relate to the environment?
Transportation is central to everyone’s life, but not all people enjoy the benefits of public investment. Lack of investment in bike, pedestrian, and public transit infrastructure results in barriers to opportunity for low-income people, many of whom face increasing isolation from economic opportunity, are at risk from air toxins, and are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Safe, accessible, affordable, efficient, and decriminalized mass and active transportation is a human right!
When we make transit more accessible, reliable, and safe, we make taking transit a better option than cars, especially single-occupancy vehicles, which is key to working against climate change. As of 2019, 29% of greenhouse gas emissions comes from the transportation sector, 58% of which comes from single occupancy vehicles. By getting more people to use public transit, we will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is just one way we recognize that transportation justice is environmental justice.